April 3, 2018

#Narrative2018 Wishlist

I wish I could afford to be in Montreal this April 18-22 for Narrative 2018. (I blogged about last year's conference herehere and here). To give you some sense what the brightest minds in Narratology are discussing these days, here are 40 papers (of the hundreds being presented) that look very interesting indeed..
"Toward a Theory of Interest Structure," Justin Ness, Northern Illinois University 
"Chronological Order, the Narrative Present, and Dialogue," Eyal Segal, Tel Aviv University 
"Being in History: Creating the Present through Imagined History in Robin Hobb’s Farseer," Markus Laukkanen, University of Tampere 
"History After the End: Folded Temporalities and Building History in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven," Mikko Mantyniemi, University of Tampere 
"The Misty Beginning of History: Narrativization of Mythical and Historical Knowledge in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Buried Giant," Elise Kraatila, University of Tampere 
"Creativity-Narrativity-Fictionality: A Critical Genealogy," Paul Dawson, University of New South Wales 
"Fictionality as Rhetoric," Richard Walsh, University of York 
"Rearranging the Furniture: The Synthetic, Mimetic, and Thematic Aspects in Rhetorical Narratology," Matthew Clark, York University 
"Narrative as Rhetoric and the MTS Model," James Phelan, The Ohio State University 
"Previously On…The Iliad: A Field Report on Epic Episodes," Lynn Kozak, McGill University 
"Re-thinking Narratives: Composing Images into Poems Within Late Eighteenth-Century Women’s Novels," Yasemin Hacioglu, University of Oslo 
"Theatricality and the Un-narrated in Jane Austen," Marcie Frank, Concordia University 
"When is a Character? Draft, Variants, and Versions of Storyworlds," John Young, Marshall University 
"Chaos Narrative and Experientiality in Graphic Memoirs about Mental Illness," Lasse Gammelgaard, Aarnus University 
"Understanding Narrative Through Text World Theory," Joanna Gavins, University of Sheffield 
"The Speed of Plot: Narrative Acceleration and Deceleration," Karin Kukkonen, University of Oslo 
"Sourcing Story: Broken Narrative Time in Alice Munro’s “Friend of My Youth” and Tan Dun’s "Ghost Opera"," Alex Creighton, Harvard University 
"The Role of Narrative in the Social Construction of Risk: Crime in Mexico as a Case Study (2004-2012),"  Gonzalo Soltero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 
"An Argument for Narrative Truthiness: Tim O’Brien and Using Complex Narrative to Counter Fake News," Annjeanette Wiese, University of Colorado, Boulder 
"Reconstructing LOST: Connecting Storyworld to Narrative Comprehension in Online Wiki Communities," Laura Bucholz, Old Dominion University 
"Technologies of Remembering and Theories of Forgetting: Revising the Archival Metaphor for Memory," Torsa Ghosal, California State University, Sacramento 
"Listening Silences: Phenomenological Hermeneutics and Narrative Theory in Contemporary Poetics," Samuel Caleb Wee, Nanyang Technological University 
"A Study of Episodic Value Created by Personal Narratives," Huiyuhl Yi, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 
"The Paradox of Eventfulness: Narrative Thinking, Doubleness, and the Predestinarian Structure," Marina Ludwigs, Stockholm University 
"Narrative Mapping as Cognitive Activity and as Active Participation in Storyworlds," Marie-Laure Ryan, Independent Scholar 
"Managing Movement: Time-Space Arrangements in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West," Birgit Spengler, University of Wuppertal 
"The (Im-)Possibility of Narrating Europe: The Affordances of Length and Cyclicality in British Short Story Cycles," Janine Hauthal, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 
"What Makes a Very Long Story Very Long?," Dan Irving, Stony Brook University 
"Mieke Bal: Reading Biblical Narrative Otherwise," David Richter, CUNY 
"An Eye for Detail Like No Other: Mieke Bal as a Close Reader," Esther Peeren, University of Amsterdam 
(After these papers, Mieke Bal is being presented with this year's Wayne Booth Award) 
"Information and the Novel: Margaret Drabble’s The Radiant Way," Carol Colatrella, Georgia Institute of Technology 
"The Philosophical Roots of Narratology: A Defense of Structuralism," Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Carnegie Mellon University 
"Assessing the Preventability of an Accident in Conversational Storytelling," Luke K. Kwong, Nanyang Technological University 
"Narrating to Oneself and to Another: Within and between the Pieces of Chris Ware’s Building Stories," Hannah Rosefield, Harvard University 
"Counterfactual Narratives as a Tool for Macro-Level Meaning Making," Tabitha Holmes, SUNY New York 
"Time in Dream Narratives," Anna Narinsky, Al-Quds University 
"The “New” New Journalism: Long-Form Narrative Journalism in a Media Landscape Increasingly Driven by Shareable and Clickable Content," Brett Popplewell, Carleton University 
"Diagnostic Lists and Narrative Experientiality," Anna Ovaska, University of Helsinki 
"Cognition and Counter-Narratives: Mind-Modeling and the Critical Reception of Political Discourse," Sam Browse, Sheffield Hallam University 
"Accidental Events and the Problem of Contingency in 18th -Century Novelistic Narrative," Bridget Donnelly, UNC Chapel Hill

Again, I dearly wish I could go to Montreal to enjoy letting these fine scholars tickle my brain so delightfully. As for you, dear reader, if you make it to any of these papers, feel free to comment here later with a helpful report. The 2019 International Conference on Narrative will be held in Pamplona, Spain. For news about 2020 and beyond, stay tuned to the organizational home page.


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