Some general topics appear below this alphabetical-biographical list.
The complete archive of all posts since 2005 is in the sidebar at right.
Was Agrippina Banished Twice? (Nov, 2009)
Agrippina (Draft Bio/Intro) (July, 2008)
Andrew, Bartholomew, et al (Jesus' Disciples)
The Memory of the Eyewitnesses (Nov, 2012)
Did the Rulers of Jews 'lord it over' their people? (May, 2012)
Hebrew Literacy was Communal (Mar, 2012)
The Approachable Jesus (Oct, 2011)
The Jesus Diaries, a hypothesis (Mar, 2011)
Love one another, my Friends (Jan, 2010)
12 Bodyguards at the Nazareth Synagogue (Aug, 2009)
Jesus' Twelve Bodyguards (Aug, 2009)
Jesus' Literate Followers (May, 2009)
Antipas, Tetrarch of GalileeWas Agrippina Banished Twice? (Nov, 2009)
Agrippina (Draft Bio/Intro) (July, 2008)
Andrew, Bartholomew, et al (Jesus' Disciples)
The Memory of the Eyewitnesses (Nov, 2012)
Did the Rulers of Jews 'lord it over' their people? (May, 2012)
Hebrew Literacy was Communal (Mar, 2012)
The Approachable Jesus (Oct, 2011)
The Jesus Diaries, a hypothesis (Mar, 2011)
Love one another, my Friends (Jan, 2010)
12 Bodyguards at the Nazareth Synagogue (Aug, 2009)
Jesus' Twelve Bodyguards (Aug, 2009)
Jesus' Literate Followers (May, 2009)
Did Galilean Anti-Imperialism really exist? (Nov, 2012)
Herod Antipas' Mint (OR) Why Herodian Coinage helps date John the Baptist's arrest (Aug, 2010)
Did Jesus escape extradition in John 4:1? (Jan, 2011)
Herod Antipas' Army (Jan, 2010)
Antipas' "Birthday" after Purim (Dec, 2008)
John the Baptist and Sejanus - 1 (Nov, 2008)
The Baptist and Sejanus (2) - Half my Kingdom (Dec, 2008)
The Baptist and Sejanus (3) - Political Risk (Dec, 2008)
The Baptist and Sejanus - 4 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist and Sejanus - 5 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist and Sejanus - 6 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist and Sejanus - 7 (Mar, 2009)
Jesus and Herod Antipas (Aug, 2008)
Evoking Archelaus in Matthew (Feb, 2013)
King Archelaus: A Microchronology of 4 BC (Feb, 2013)
Archelaus in 4 BC & 'Being King' vs 'Reigning' (Aug, 2012)
The one sure date in Jesus' Life (Jun, 2012)
Pharisees vs the Poll-tax (Feb, 2011)
When Joseph heard Archelaus... (1 of 2) (Nov, 2010)
When Joseph heard Archelaus... (2 of 2) (Nov, 2010)
Sabbatical Year Taxes in Roman Judea (July, 2009)
on Jesus' 13th Birthday (Mar, 2009)
Matthew 2:22 explains Luke 2:42 (Dec, 2008)
King Archelaus: A Microchronology of 4 BC (Feb, 2013)
The Arbitrated Division of Herod, Inc. (Jan, 2013)
The Complete Irony of Matthew 2:22 (Nov, 2012)Archelaus in 4 BC & 'Being King' vs 'Reigning' (Aug, 2012)
The one sure date in Jesus' Life (Jun, 2012)
Pharisees vs the Poll-tax (Feb, 2011)
When Joseph heard Archelaus... (1 of 2) (Nov, 2010)
When Joseph heard Archelaus... (2 of 2) (Nov, 2010)
Sabbatical Year Taxes in Roman Judea (July, 2009)
on Jesus' 13th Birthday (Mar, 2009)
Matthew 2:22 explains Luke 2:42 (Dec, 2008)
Between the Testaments (Feb, 2011)
Augustus' Registration of the 'Oikoumene'
Roman Emperors (Short Video Summaries)
Reverend Augustus & his PR Machine (Oct, 2010)
Augustus and Apollo and the Jews (Nov, 2009)
Augustus vs. Neptune (July, 2009)
Princeps, Domine, Kurios (July, 2009)
BarnabasBetween the Testaments (Feb, 2011)
Augustus' Registration of the 'Oikoumene'
Roman Emperors (Short Video Summaries)
Reverend Augustus & his PR Machine (Oct, 2010)
Augustus and Apollo and the Jews (Nov, 2009)
Augustus vs. Neptune (July, 2009)
Princeps, Domine, Kurios (July, 2009)
Paul's First Shipwreck (Mar, 2011)
Appointing Elders: Barnabas vs. Paul (Sept, 2009)
Logistics of Famine Relief in 43 AD (Aug, 2008)
Remembering Caligula's Life Story (June, 2015)
Gamaliel's Galilean Theudas (Feb, 2010)
Annas & Gamaliel (Oct, 2008)
The Arbitrated Division of Herod, Inc. (Jan, 2013)
John P. Meier on the Year of Herod's Death, 4 BC (May, 2012)
Mis-Dating Herod's Temple (Feb, 2011)
Give up on 1 BC (Nov, 2009)
The Eclipse of Purim, 4 BC (Nov, 2011)
Josephus on 9/8/7 BC - (1) (Jan, 2009)
Josephus on 9/8/7 BC - (2) (Jan, 2009)
Josephus on 9/8/7 BC - (3) (Jan, 2009)
Josephus on 9/8/7 BC - (3.5) (Mar, 2009)
Josephus on 9/8/7 BC (4) (Mar, 2009)
Did Drusus' Death Hurt Herod in 9 BC? (1) (Jan, 2009)
Did Drusus' Death Hurt Herod in 9 BC? (2) (Jan, 2009)
Did Drusus' Death Hurt Herod in 9 BC? (3) (Jan, 2009)
Dio & Josephus on Drusus & Herod (Jan, 2009)
Herod's Temple in Jerusalem
Twenty Questions for Leen Ritmeyer (Dec, 2011)
Mis-Dating Herod's Temple (Repost, Feb, 2011)
A Common Error: Dating Herod's Temple (Oct, 2009)
Quarry Time on Herod's Temple (July, 2009)
A Tiny Bit of 2nd Century Paving (Aug, 2008)
No Temple Pavement (July, 2008)
The Temple Courtyard (May, 2008)
Prep Work plus 46 Years (May, 2008)
Twenty Questions for Leen Ritmeyer (Dec, 2011)
Mis-Dating Herod's Temple (Repost, Feb, 2011)
A Common Error: Dating Herod's Temple (Oct, 2009)
Quarry Time on Herod's Temple (July, 2009)
A Tiny Bit of 2nd Century Paving (Aug, 2008)
No Temple Pavement (July, 2008)
The Temple Courtyard (May, 2008)
Prep Work plus 46 Years (May, 2008)
What kind of dancer was Salome? (Mar, 2011)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 1 (July, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 2 (July, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 3 (July, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 4 (July, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 5 (Aug, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Part 6 (Aug, 2010)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee: Conclusions (Aug, 2010)
The Intentional Ambiguity of James' Epistle (Feb, 2012)
Certain Men from James/Judea (Oct, 2011)
Furniture & Location in James 2:3 (Feb, 2010)
Galatians goes AFTER Acts 15 (Nov, 2009) (Cf. Index on Paul)
Perspective on James, Not New Enough (Sep, 2009)
James' Seeker Friendly Epistle (Apr, 2009)
The Letter of Acts 15 (Mar, 2009)
James' Epistle, c.AD 52 (part 3.5) (Mar, 2009)
James' Epistle, c.AD 52 (part 3) (Feb, 2009)
James' Epistle, c.AD 52 (part 2) (Feb, 2009)
James' Epistle, c.AD 52 (part 1) (Feb, 2009)
Luke's Written Sources - 1 (Jan, 2009)
Jesus of Nazareth
I believe the Gospels "echo" Jesus' so-called "silent years" through evidence reflecting on his earlier life in Nazareth. As of 2009 I had blogged 93 times about Nazareth (over 20,000 words), and these are some of the highlights. The most critical links are enlarged in bold. Enjoy.
Dealing with Nazareth 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.1, 7, ...
The Nazareth Synagogue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Dealing with Nazareth 7.5, (summarizing the above) 8, 9
Reflections of Nazareth 1, 2
The Promise of Nazareth 1, 2
* Eden... Nazareth... Thessalonica...
* Reconstructing Spiritual Events
* Reconstructing Nazareth
* Jesus, in Nazareth, in the Spirit
* The Most Challenging Miracles
* Johannine Historiography
* 12 Bodyguards at the Nazareth Synagogue
* Law and Love
* SupperMan? SuperPuppet? SuperFan.
* Jesus on the Mount
* The Joys of Jesus
* Historiography on the Gospels
* Psyche & Spirit, in Historiography
* Envisioning Nazareth from Matt.6
There will, undoubtedly, be much more to come..
A Dynamic Event: John's Imprisonment (Feb, 2010)
The Baptist & Sejanus - 7 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist & Sejanus - 6 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist & Sejanus - 5 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist & Sejanus - 4 (Mar, 2009)
The Baptist & Sejanus (3) Political Risk (Dec, 2008)
The Baptist & Sejanus (2) Half my Kingdom (Dec, 2008)
Lysanias, Tetrarch of Abilene
Galilee and other Pocket Regions (Nov, 2008)
Abilene in 32 AD (Nov, 2008)
Lysanias, Tetrarch of Abilene (Nov, 2008)
Abilene and Herod Antipas (Nov, 2008)Abilene - Index & Update (Nov, 2008)
A chronological study of Paul's ministry was my original impetus for this entire first century project. The sub-topics below proceed geographically according to Paul's journeys.
Paul in General
How old was Paul of Tarsus?" (Nov, 2012)
Paul was Kingdom Centered, Just like Jesus (Dec, 2010)
Paul's Letters - Does their Sequence Matter? (Nov, 2009)
Pauline Chronology (Nov, 2009)
Saying Goodbye (Fictional) (May, 2008)
Paul's Antioch Years
The Linchpin of Galatian Chronology (July, 2012)
Judaism & Ritual (Jan, 2011)
Situating Galatians - Early, Southern, after the Council (June, 2010)
Titus, Who Was With Me (May, 2009)
The Letter of Acts 15 (Mar, 2009)
Paul's Big Visit to Jerusalem - 1 (Feb, 2009)
Paul's Big Visit to Jerusalem - 2 (Feb, 2009)
Logistics of Famine Relief in44 43 AD (Aug, 2008)
Paul's Aegean Experimenting
Titus and Troas (or) Paul's Developing Ecclesiology (Jan, 2011)
Paul and the Peloponese (Feb, 2010)
Paul's Greek Failure
Which City did Erastus Manage? Probably NOT Corinth (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (1 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (2 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (3 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
Paul's Roman Era
Appeal to Nero? To Nero you will go!" (Nov, 2012)
How old was Paul of Tarsus?" (Nov, 2012)
Paul was Kingdom Centered, Just like Jesus (Dec, 2010)
How Paul Became Spiritual (Apr, 2010)
Did Paul's Rhetorical Skills Develop? (Dec, 2009)Paul's Letters - Does their Sequence Matter? (Nov, 2009)
Pauline Chronology (Nov, 2009)
Paul in Damascus and Arabia (Nabatea)
Paul's Arabia (or) Nabatea and the New Testament (Feb, 2010)
Historical Positivism and Damascus (Sept, 2009)
Dating Paul's Conversion (Sept, 2009)
Fleeing Damascus Again! (March, 2009)
Dangers in Arabia (See also: Mental Files) (June, 2008)Saying Goodbye (Fictional) (May, 2008)
Redating Paul in Damascus (May, 2008)
Paul Fled Damascus Twice (Fictional) (May, 2008)
Aretas and Damascus - Discussion (May, 2008)Paul's Antioch Years
The Linchpin of Galatian Chronology (July, 2012)
Did Paul escape Damascus once or twice? (July, 2012)
When was Paul's "Cornelius Moment"? (Mar, 2012)
When was Paul's "Cornelius Moment"? (Mar, 2012)
Paul's First Shipwreck (Mar, 2011)
Titus and Galatia (Jan, 2011)Situating Galatians - Early, Southern, after the Council (June, 2010)
Titus, Who Was With Me (May, 2009)
Paul's Big Visit to Jerusalem - 1 (Feb, 2009)
Paul's Big Visit to Jerusalem - 2 (Feb, 2009)
Logistics of Famine Relief in
Paul's Aegean Experimenting
Titus and Troas (or) Paul's Developing Ecclesiology (Jan, 2011)
Paul and the Peloponese (Feb, 2010)
Did Peter visit Corinth? (Feb, 2010)
Corinth's 4+ years without Paul (Jan, 2010)
Appointing Elders: Barnabas vs. Paul (Sept, 2009)Corinth's 4+ years without Paul (Jan, 2010)
Paul's Greek Failure
Which City did Erastus Manage? Probably NOT Corinth (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (1 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (2 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
The Death and Resurrection of Corinth (3 of 3) (Apr, 2011)
Appeal to Nero? To Nero you will go!" (Nov, 2012)
Why did Paul write Philippians? (Aug, 2012)
Why did Paul write Romans? (Aug, 2010)
How Many Shipwrecks? (Sept, 2009)
There will, eventually, be much more to come..
Did Judas let Peter into Caiphas' house? (Aug, 2012)
St. Peter, Jewish Bigot (Feb, 2012)
The Circumcision Party (Jan, 2012)No Spirit for Eunuchs (or Gentile widows, apparently) (Dec, 2011)
Phileo beats Agape (Feb, 2011)
Did Peter Follow John the Baptist? (Jan, 2011)
Peter and Cornelius (Mar, 2010)
Can we question Peter, please? (Mar, 2010)
Did Peter visit Corinth? (Feb, 2010)
Jesus Separates from Peter (Feb, 2010)
The Homanadensian War (Nov, 2011)
Quirinius is Fascinating (Feb, 2011)
Quirinius is Irrelevant (Aug, 2010)
Did Luke Err on Quirinius? Does it Matter? (Dec, 2009)
Quirinius, Again (Nov, 2009)
Quirinius and my U-Haul (Jun, 2008)
Stephen as Scapegoat, Scattering as Ingathering (Sep, 2011)
The Scapegoat and the Scattering (Sep, 2010)
Stephen's Day of Atonement (May, 2010)
Stephen's Real Bias (Mar, 2010)
Chronology of Acts 1-9 (Mar, 2010)
Situating Stephen's Speech at Yom Kippur (Mar, 2010)
Situating Stephen's Speech - 1 (Mar, 2010)
Why are the Ushpizing so fitting for Sukkot? (Mar, 2010)
The Historical Jesus-birth-census (Dec, 2012)
Chronology of the Nativity (July, 2010)
A decree went out in those days... (Dec, 2009)
A Historic Nativity - We Can Do Better (Apr, 2009)
Herodias, Queen of Galilee (Conclusions) (Aug, 2010)
Herod Antipas' Mint (or) Why Herodian coinage helps date John the Baptist's arrest (Aug, 2010)
Herod Antipas' Army (Jan, 2010)
Event Sequencing: John's Beheading (Sept, 2009)
Antipas and Sejanus (July, 2008)
and many more... use the search bar at right
TiberiusHerodias, Queen of Galilee (Conclusions) (Aug, 2010)
Herod Antipas' Mint (or) Why Herodian coinage helps date John the Baptist's arrest (Aug, 2010)
Herod Antipas' Army (Jan, 2010)
Event Sequencing: John's Beheading (Sept, 2009)
Antipas and Sejanus (July, 2008)
and many more... use the search bar at right
Tiberius the Wannabe Non-Leader
Luke 3:1 - The Fifteenth Year (Sept, 2008)
Luke 3:1 - The Rule of Tiberius (Sept, 2008)
September 17, 14 AD (Sept, 2008)
See Paul, above.
=========End Alpha-Biographical List // Begin General Categories===========
First Century Jews, Generally
Did the Rulers of the Jews "lord-it-over" their people? (May, 2012)
Hebrew Literacy was Communal (Mar, 2012)
Anti-Semites must love the term "Jesus' Silent Years" (Aug, 2011)
More on early churches and synagogues (Apr, 2010)
Early Churches, Early Synagogues (Mar, 2010)
The Rabbis of Nazareth (Mar, 2010)
Luke Liked Most Jews (Mar, 2010)
Racism and Geography (Mar, 2010)
Ancient Synagogues Varied (Jan, 2010)
Overlording: Inherently non-Jewish? (Jan, 2010)Ancient Jewish House found in Nazareth (Dec, 2009)
How Jewish was Galilee? (Aug, 2009)
Miscellaneous Jews: Judeans and/or Galileans
The Original 'Old Wineskin' (July, 2010)
For several strictly chronological posts, click the "Timelines" tab, at the top of the page.
The Original 'Old Wineskin' (July, 2010)
Nicodemus the Writer (and Gospel Source?) (Aug, 2009)
John Mark's Memory - 1 (Mar, 2009)
John Mark's Memory - 2 (Mar, 2009)
John Mark's Memory - 3 (Mar, 2009)
Joseph of Nazareth, died 30 AD (Dec, 2008)
Not a Strong General (Germanicus, Sept, 2008)
Zealots" from 29 to 61 AD (Jul, 2008)
Little Q's in 57 AD (Jun, 2008)
L.C.Piso Dead, Late 32 AD (Jun, 2008)
More general categories to come, anon...
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