
A massive trove of links follows this brief introduction.  Let the reader understand be wary...

In the Corinthian ecclesia, “not many” were well born, well connected, or well educated according to worldly standards – but among those who were, some used their gifts to take care of their brothers and sisters, while others made very human mistakes. More accurately, all those talented folks must have been BOTH a blessing AND curse to the church there in Corinth, depending on what time (and person) Paul asked.

Worldly wisdom can often be helpful and useful. It can also puff up, misdirect and evaporate. A purely factual knowledge of scripture can leave us spiritually empty, but with moderation and prudence (and more importantly, focus) the benefits of contextual understanding also promise to help us avoid falsehood and self-deception. A healthy balance is what every genuine scholar aims for, but ALL brilliant minds have their moments of veering from blessing to curse.

‘Moderation in all things’, said the king who prayed most for wisdom. So, if we are humble, and God is merciful, we may discover that various offerings of professional scholars will provide us with plenty of good things that are worth taking home, but also a number of silly things that should just be ignored, and even some awful things that should be hung out to dry in the public square at high noon.

At their best, the Bible students and Biblical Scholars who blog, speak & write books about scripture are engaging in conversations, some of which promise to help all of us make better sense of what we need to remember and what we might need to forget. At our worst, we’re a lot else besides. But again, God IS merciful. Let the reader understand.

God uses fools to confound the most wise. I’ve been on both sides of that. How about you? God even uses angry, hostile unbelievers – sometimes – to teach those of us who believe. Here, then, are 600+ links to academic Bible Bloggers (“the Bibliobloggers”) and to the Blogs of related individuals and companies who stay involved in the public debates about studying that which Christians call Holy Scripture.

If you want to see what Seminary and University Professors really do, when they do what they do, with the Bible - this is the place to begin exploring. Take it or leave it. Either way, God help us all.

(UPDATE/NOTE: This list is circa 2009 and was originally compiled - if memory serves - by the legendary blogger known as "NT Wrong" and his loyal cadre of backup dancers blogging minions. Wrong's site is no longer accessible, but however many of these links still survive should prove to remain extremely diverse.)

*************** Biblioblogger Links ***************

Alphabetical List of Biblioblogs and Related Blogs
By Blog Author
Adam, A K M AKMA’s Random Thoughts
Adams, Colin Unashamed Workman
Adams, Paul D. In Christ Jesus / ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ
Adato, Leon Edible Torah, The 
ADDeRabbi On The Contrary
Afanador, Jorge Theology Matters
Allister, John Custardy
Altair Depósito Teológico
Alterman, Mark Alternation
Alterman, Mark Bad Bird: Egyptology for the Little Guy
Alterman, Mark Biblical Research
Alterman, Mark  Theological German/Theologisches Deutsch
Amit, ChristianBible SEO
Andersen, Jocelyn Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence 
Anderson, John Hesed we ‘emet
Anderson, Richard H. Dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos
AndieEgyptology News
Anna  Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength
AnonDilettante Hobby Horse Biblioblog
AnonExo tes paremboles / εξο της παρεμβολης
AnonGreen Baggins
AnonJewish Atheist
AnonKnight of The Word, A 
AnonMilk and Honey
AnonMissives from Marx
AnonNew Heretics, The: A Buddhist in Bible College
AnonNieuw op de boekentafels van uitgeverijen
AnonSimple Jew, A 
AnonTalmud Blog, The 
Aquilina, Mike Way of the Fathers, The 
Arthur, Eddie Kouya Chronicle 
Arthur, Eddie Kouya Chronicle 
ASBO JesusOngoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus, The 
Ashford, David Bite My Bible
ASOR (American Schools of Oriental Research) ASOR Blog, The 
Aubrey, Mike In Ephesus / ἐν ἐφέσῳ
Ayers, Chris Liberal Baptist Rev’s Blog
Bahula, Tim Biblical Studies and Technological Tools
Bailey, JeremiahWalking Towards Jerusalem
Bailey, Jeremiah Red Letter Revolution
Bailey, Scott Scotteriology
Baker, J. C. J. C. Baker
Bandstra, Barry biblicaltext dot org
Bandy, Alan Café Apocalypsis
Barber, Michael Sacred Page, The 
Barenblat, Rachel Velveteen Rabbi
Barnes, Matthew In the Corner with Matt 
Barnes, Nathan J. Nathan J. Barnes
Barrier, Jeremy Acta Pauli
Bartholomew, Richard Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion
Beisel, Paul L. Gladius Spiritus
Bekins, Peter Balshanut / בלשנות
Beldman, Dave Tolle Lege
Bellizzi, Frank Frankly Speaking
Berge, Arne Arne Berge
Berger, Brett Readmordedpeepl
Bergsma, John Sacred Page, The 
Bernhard, Andrew
Bernier, Jonathan Jonathan’s Tremendously Wonderful Blog 
Bernier, Jonathan Jonathan’s Tremendously Wonderful Blog 
Bertrand, J. Mark Bible Design Blog
Bibb, Bryan A Chasing after Wind
Billington, AntonyBillington’s Blog
Bird, Michael F. Evangelion / ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ
Black, Dave Dave Black Online
Blackwell, Ben Dunelm Road
Blanch, Anna M. Goannatree
Blomberg, Craig New Testament Musings
Blomberg, Craig Prime Time Jesus
Bock, DarrellPrime Time Jesus
Bock, Darrell Bock’s Blog
Boer, Martin de Amsterdam NT Weblog
Boer, Roland Stalin’s Moustache
Boisen, Sean Blogos
Bokovoy, David David Bokovoy
Bolen, Todd Bible Places
Bongoyok, Moussa Palabre
Boulet, Art Finitum Non Capax Infiniti
Boyd, Greg Christus Victor Ministries
Bradshaw, Rob Biblical Studies
Brady, Chris Targuman
Brannan, Rick Pastoral Epistles
Brannan, Rick Ricoblog
Brentlinger, JohnRevJohn
Bricker, Steve What Accords with Sound Doctrine 
Brown, Ken C. Orthodoxy
Bulkeley, Tim 5 Minute Bible
Bulkeley, Tim Sansblogue
Burer, Michael Thinking Professor, The 
Burgess, Matthew Confessions of a Bible Junkie
Burke, Tony Apocryphicity
Buth, Randall et alAlef and Omega
Butler, Menachem Michtavim blog, The
Button, Jason Theo Source
Byerly, Ben Ben Byerly
Calaway, Jared  Antiquitopia 
Campbell, Con,Read Better, Preach Better
Caneday, Ardel Biblia Theologia
Caraher, William Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, The 
Carden, Michael Jottings
Carey, Greg NTGeeks
Cargill, Robert Official Blog of Robert R. Cargill, The 
Carlson, Stephen C. Hypotyposeis
Carrell, Peter Hermeneutics and Human Dignity 
Carrera, Rafael Sanz Escritura Sagrada
Carrier, Richard Richard Carrier Blogs
Carter, J. A. Few Paragraphs…, A 
Caruana, Damian Castle of Nutshells
Caruso, Steve Aramaic Blog, The 
CatherineCome to the Table… 
CBMWCouncil on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, The 
CD-Host Church Discipline
Challies, Tim
Chandler, LukeLuke Chandler’s Blog
Chaplin, DougClay Boy
Chaves, Julio Cesar Apocrypha Gnostica
Chesnut, Owen Roses and Razorwire
Chesnut, Owen Tall Jalul Dig Blog
Chiou, Lao Shi (Jennifer )Chioulaoshi Blog / 邱老師網誌
Christian Institute for the 3rd Era, The Min Jung Theology
Christians for Biblical EqualityThe CBE Scroll
Christianson, AaronBible Rants
Chwat, EzraGiluy Milta B’alma / גילוי מילתא בעלמא
Clarke, Ros Conversational Theology
Clawson, Julie onehandclapping
Clemow, SimonReflective-praxis
Clucker, Sophie, aka White Bear GirlBible Study Connection
Coffer, J R Cruz de Clio, A 
Collins, Brian Exegesis and Theology
Compton, Andrew      Reformed Reader, The 
Cook, Edward Ralph the Sacred River
Cook, Stephen L. Biblische Ausbildung
Corban, Brad Brad’s words (and more than words!)
Costa, Luciano Veritas Omnia Vincit
Couturier, Adam Mishlei Adam / משלי אדם
Crawford, Chad Homebrewed Christianity
Creighton, RickRead Better, Preach Better
Crisostomo, C. Jay mu-pàd-da
Crossley, James Earliest Christian History
Cuddy, Christopher Christopher Cuddy 
CurtisWatchman’s Gaze, The 
Curto, Pedro Iglesias Bibbiablog
Dabbs, Matt Kingdom Living
Dabbs, Matt Kingdom Living
Dahan, Eli Biblical Hebrew Blog
DanOn Journeying with those in Exile
Daniel and TonyaHebrew and Greek Reader
Darlack, Jim BibleWorks Blog, The 
Darlack, Jim Old in the New
Darnell, Adam Darnellia
David, AbrahamGiluy Milta B’alma / גילוי מילתא בעלמא
Davidi, Joel W. Jewish History Channel
Davila, Jim PaleoJudaica
Davy, Tim Bible and Mission
Dawn, Maggi Theology, Life and Faith in the UK
Dawn, Waneta Submission Tyranny, in Church and Society
Decker, Rod NT Resources Blog
DeConick, April Forbidden Gospels Blog 
DelHousaye, John Readmordedpeepl
Dench, Ben Philosophy of Ben Dench
Dennis, Geoffrey Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism 
DeVries, MikeAwakening
Doerge, Halden Inhabitatio Dei 
Doleys, Daniel J. Text, Community & Mission
Doyle, Jimmy
Dunn, Cathy Acta Pauli
Dunn, Cathy Palabre
Dunn, Peter W. Acta Pauli
Dunn, Peter W. Palabre
Edgecomb, Kevin P. Biblicalia
Edgecomb, Kevin P. Biblicalia
Ehorn, Seth Sententiae Nil 
Enns, Peter Peter Enns
Erdman, Jonathan Theos Project, The 
Erisman, Angela Roskop Imaginary Grace
Estes, Douglas BVC Blog
Estrada, MattChristian Allegorical Interpretations
Evans, MattBroadcast Depth
Falvo, Craig Simul Eustis et Pecator
Fearson, Eddie Hermeneutica  
Fehr, Eric Implied Reader, The
Fellows, Richard Paul and co-workers
FergSeeking His Face
Fether, PaulaWords of a Fether
Fisk, Bruce N. Crossings
Flannagan, Matthew and Madeleine  M and M
Fleischer, BenjaminOriginal Jewish
Flores, Diego Orlando Filosofía y Sagrada Escritura 
Flowers, David D. Centrality and Supremacy of Jesus Christ, The
Flummer, Matthew Said at New Orleans Seminary 
Fox, Mike Fox’s Wanderings
Fridman, Michael a Nadder! 
Fuller, Tripp Homebrewed Christianity
Fulthrop, Brian Sunestauromai / συνεσταυρωμαι: Living The Crucified Life
Garcia, Jeff Me-vaser
García, Jeffrey Helek Tov / חלק טוב
Garland, Danny Irish, Catholic, and Dangerous
Gayle, J. K. Aristotle’s Feminist Subject
Gayle, J. K. WOMBman’s Bible, The 
GeorgeSphodra / σφόδρα  – exceedingly
George, Dorcas Owl’s Song, The 
Getz, Jim Ketuvim
Giessen, J. P. van de Aantekeningen bij de Bijbel 
Giessen, J. P. van de BiblioblogNED 
Godfrey, Iris Mannaword
Godfrey, Neil Vridar
Goering, D. Timothy D. Timothy Goering
Gómez, Rubén Bible Software Review
Gons, Phil Logos Bible Software
Gons, Phil
Good, Deirdre On Not Being a Sausage 
Goodacre, Mark NT Blog
Goodacre, Mark Podacre
Goodliff, Andy andygoodliff
Gordon, Jim Living Wittily
Gorman, Michael J. Cross Talk
Grantham, Chuck Goula Blogger, A 
Green, Stefan Exegetisk Teologi 
Greenberg, Brad A. God Blog, The 
Greene, Ashleigh Walking Towards Jerusalem
Gregory, James James Gregory’s Blog 
Griffin, Bitsy Jack of All Trades
Griffin, Jesse OT Prof
Griffiths, Paul J. paul j. griffiths
Groom, Phil Christian Bookshops
Gualtieri, Gianni Bibbiablog
Gupta, Nijay K. Nijay K. Gupta
Guttmann, David  Believing is Knowing
Halcomb, Michael W. Pisteuomen
Halton, Charles Awilum
Hamilton, Jim For His Renown
Hanel, Michael BibleWorks Blog, The 
Hardy, Chip Daily Hebrew
Harland, Phil Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
Harmon, Matt Biblical Theology
Harris, W. Hall Net Bible Revolution
Head, Peter M. Letter Carriers and the Pauline Tradition
Heard, Chris Higgaion
Hearne, Joshua Telling the Stories that Matter 
Hebert, Stephen Withering Fig
Heiser, Michael S. Every Thought Captive
Heiser, Michael S. Naked Bible, The
Heiser, Michael S. PaleoBabble
Helfield, Michael Toshunka
Heroman,Bill NT/History Blog
Heyink, Brenda Joining in the Conversation
Hiestand, Gerald Iustificare 
Hill, Kevin Courting the Mystery
Hobbins, John Ancient Hebrew Poetry
Hobbins, John Bibbiablog
Hobbins, John Biblioblogs
Hodges, Horace Jeffery Gypsy Scholar
Hoffman, Joel M. God Didn’t Say That: Bible Translations and Mistranslations
Hoffman, Joel M. Joel M. Hoffman, PhD
Hoffman, Mark Biblical Studies and Technological Tools
Hoffmann, R. Joseph R. Joseph Hoffmann, Hys Blogge 
Holloway, Simon Davar Akher / דבר אחר
Holst, Søren Pergament
Homan, Michael Michael Homan
Horne, Mark Biblical Horizons
Hsien, Wan Wei Torn Notebook
Huller, StephenStephan Huller’s observations
Hulme, Robert RobHu studies the Bible 
Hurne, Kenneth Thinking Theologically
Hymes, David Hebrew Scriptures and More …
Hyrax, TheHoly Hyrax
Ingram, Helen Omega Course, The 
InterVarsity PressAddenda & Errata
James, Carolyn Carolyn’s Reflections
JasonEis Doxan
JDAd Fontes
Jenkins, Ferrell Ferrell’s Travel Blog
Jensen, Michael Blogging Parson, The 
Jimenez, Robert Inquiring Minds
Jimenez, Robert Inquiring Minds
Jofre, GerardoIEAB
Jones, Charles Ellwood AWOL – The Ancient World Online 
Jones, Charles Ellwood Oriental Institute, The 
Jones, Charles Ellwood Persepolis Fortification Archive Project 
Jones, Chuck Ancient World Bloggers
Joseph, Celucien L. Christ, My Righteousness
Joseph, Celucien L. Theological French
Josh  For the Sake of Truth
Justnes, ÅrsteinNytestamentlig fagforum
Justnes, Årstein Årstein Justnes’ Blogg
Kashow, Robert C.Tolle Lege!
Keene, Thomas Nerdlets
Kelley, James Orthodox Patristics
Kelly, Joseph R. Kol ha-adam / כל־האדם
Kelly, Joseph R. Kol ha-adam / כל־האדם
Kennedy, James M. Seek and Read
Ker, David Lingamish
Kesatie, Bill CADRE Comments
Kesatie, Bill et alCADRE Comments
Kim, Jin Yang Old Testament Story
King, Dorothy PhDiva
Kirk, Daniel Sibboleth
Kirk, Peter Gentle Wisdom
Klepp, Morten BeckmannMortens blogg
Klepp, Morten BeckmannNytestamentlig fagforum
Klinghoffer, David Kingdom of Priests
Koke, Mike Golden Rule, The 
Köstenberger, AndreasBiblical Foundations
Kotsko, Adam An und für sich
Koyzis, David Genevan Psalter
Krans, Jan Amsterdam NT Weblog
Kris and Jayna Lyle Lyles, The
Kristensen, Troels Myrup  Iconoclasm
Kruger, C. Baxter Baxter’s Ongoing Thoughts 
Kruse, Michael Kruse Kronicle
Kvidahl, Clifford Theological Musings
L, Bryan Art of Procrastination, The 
Lamoreaux, John C. Adventures in Christian Arabic 
Lang, David Accordance Bible Software
Langlois, Michael Michael Langlois
Lanser, Matthew Havel Havalim
Lantz, SabioTriangulations
Larsen, David J. Heavenly Ascents
Leerling, De
Leithart, Peter J.
Leman, Derek Messianic Jewish Musings
Lendering, JonaNew at LacusCurtius & Livius
Lenzi, Alan Feeling Finite . . .
and embracing it.
LePort, Brian Near Emmaus: Christ and Text
Lesses, Rebecca Mystical Politics
Lester, G. Brooke Anumma
LeviBlah Blah Blah
Lewis, Tim Source Theory 
Lilly, Bryan Katagraphais / ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΑΙΣ
Linville, Jim Dr Jim’s Thinking Shop and Tea Room
LisaBible Study Connection
Loftus, John Debunking Christianity
Loke, Anthony Old testament passion 
Lombatti, Antonio Pseudoscienze cristiane antiche e medievali
Long, Phillip Reading Acts
Lopez, Peter M. Beauty of the Bible
Lowe, BruceRead Better, Preach Better
Lowery, Robert Robert Lowery
Lynn, Tia Abandon Image
MacDonald, Bob Bob’s Log
MacDonald, Bob Matthew
MacDonald, Bob Sufficiency
MacDonald, Nathan et alEarly Jewish Monotheisms 
MacDonald, Seumas Compliant Subversity
MacDonald, Seumas Compliant Subversity
MacDowell, Mississippi Fred On the Main Line
Maeir, Aren Tell es-Safi/Gath Excavations Official (and Unofficial) Weblog, The 
Malcolm, Matthew R. Crypto-Theology
Mangum, Douglas Biblia Hebraica
Manning, Gary Eutychus 
Mansfield, Rick This Lamp
Mariottini, Claude Claude Mariottini
MarkCatholic Bible Student
MarkCatholic Bible Student
Marshall, PhillipBiblical Languages
Marszalek, Rachel Re-vis.e Re-form
Martin, DanNailing it to the door. . .
Martin, Ruth P. Pioneers’ New Testament, The 
McCarthy, Suzanne Suzanne’s Bookshelf
McClellan, Daniel O. Daniel O. McClellan
McCormick, Timothy Catholic Bibles
McCullough, Pat Kata ta biblia
McGrath, James Burial of Jesus, The 
McGrath, James Exploring Our Matrix
McKnight, Scot Jesus Creed
McKnight, Scot Jesus Creed
McLerran, Paul Archaeological Digs
McManaway, Josh New Testament Student, A 
McNinch, Tim Evolutionary Theology
Mead, Peter Biblical Preaching
Meade, John LXX Studies
Meadows, DavidRogue Classicism
Medina, JohnDave Near Emmaus: Christ and Text
Meg Women In His Image
Melvin, David P. Byt Dwd / בית דוד
Merwe, Angie Van De Angie’s Point 
Merz, Annette Acta Pauli
Metts, Michael Michael Metts
Metts, Michael Michael Metts
Meyer, Eric Daryl few words, A 
Miles, Richard Rich’s Reflections
Miller, David M. Ger Vatoshav
Miller, John Entgegnung
Millington, Ian New Testament Math
Mohler, R. Albert
Montonini, Matthew D. New Testament Perspectives
Mooney, Angela SoCal Theologica
Morales-Correa, Ben Egyptology News
Morgan, Fred Everything is Theological
Mounce, Bill Bill Mounce . com 
Mueller, JohnGospel Alone, The 
Mugs, Roger Theologer
Myers, Ben Faith and Theology
Naselli, Andy Thoughts on Exegetical, Biblical, Historical, Systematic, and Practical Theology
Nathan, Peter First Followers
Neufeld, Henry Jevlir Caravansary
Neufeld, Henry Participatory Bible Study Blog
Neufeld, Henry Participatory Bible Study Blog
Neufeld, Henry Threads from Henry’s Web
Newkirk, Kat Egyptology News
Newman, Daniel Ad Trinitatem
Newton, Richard Sowing the Seed
Nguyen, V. Henry T. Punctuated Life
Nielsen, Cynthia R.   Per Caritatem
NLTNLT Study Bible
Norelli, Nick Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Nothman, Joel
Nyström, David Metanoia
O, John TheoRadical
Oakley, James
Obelenus, John TheoRadical
O’Brien, Julia M. Julia M. O’Brien
Oien, Jeff Scripture Zealot
Oliverio, RobReadmordedpeepl
Oreamuno, Francisco Mena Exegesis bíblica interdisciplinaria
Orlov, Andrei (Андрей Орлов)Andrei Orlov’s / Андрей Орлов’s Journal
Ottens, John Speculative Hermeneutics
Ouoba, Elisée Palabre
Overcash, Benji Gegraptai
Paananen, Timo S.Salainen evankelista 
Page, Matt Bible Films Blog
Pahl, Michael Stuff of Earth, The 
Palmer, Michael Greek Language and Linguistics
PamBGPam BG’s Blog
Park, Mandy and Calvin Floppy Hat,The 
Parker, DavidEditing the Gospel of John
Parry, Robin Theological Scribbles
Pascoe, Samantha L.Scholarly Bound
Pate, James James’ Thoughts and Musings
Patton, C Michael On Parchment and Pen
Payes, Jacobo Jovan Biblical Faith
Pearse, Roger Roger Pearse 
Peerbolte, Bert Jan Lietaert Amsterdam NT Weblog
Penrith, Mark Because He Lives
Peters, Dorothy Dorothy Peters’ Trinity Western University Faculty Blog
Philpot, Josh Old Perspective, The 
Pierce, Jeremy Parableman
Pigott, Susan  Old Testament Prophetess
Pike, Peter Triablogue
Piper, John Desiring God
Pitkowsky, Michael Menachem Mendel
Pitre, Brant 
Prata Ferreira, Cláudia Andréa Estudos Bíblicos
Prata Ferreira, Cláudia Andréa Estudos Judaicos 
Prata Ferreira, Cláudia Andréa História das Religiões e Religiosidades
Prata Ferreira, Cláudia Andréa Língua Hebraica 
Pulliam, Ken Why I De-Converted from Evangelical Christianity 
Pursiful, Darrell Dr. Platypus
QoheletBible Critic, The 
Quix, Leo Quixotic Infidel, The 
Rabinowitz, Dan Tradition Seforim Blog
Rafael Verily, Verily
Rah, Soong-ChanProf. Rah’s Blog
Rata, Cristian Evedyahu
Rathburn, AaronTheology & Culture
RBLReview of Biblical Literature
Redman, Judy Judy’s research blog
Redmont, Jane Carol Acts of Hope 
Reid, Rob G. Jesus and Empire: A Postcolonial Perspective
Ricchuiti, Tim If I Were a Bell I’d Ring
Richards, Jesse Without Void
Richardson, Deidre Men and Women in the Church 
Ridley, Justin Margueasio apokatastasis 
Rieser, LouisNuViewTalmud
Ritmeyer, LeonRitmeyer Archaeological Design
Ritsema, David New Testament Studies Blog
Rives, Steve Jesus, Archaeology, Theology and the Bible
Roberts, Mark D. Mark D. Roberts
Robinson, Jonathan Xenos / ξἐνος 
Robinson, T.C. New Leaven
Rohrer, Megan Transcript
Rojas, Manuel Estudios Bíblicos 
Rosson, Loren Busybody, The 
Rowell, Andy Church Leadership Conversations
Rozalowsky, Andrew Living Sacrifice, A
Rumney, Gavin Otagosh
Runge, Steve NT Discourse
Russell, Brian D. Real Meal Ministries
Russell, Brian D. Real Meal Ministries
Ruter, Weston Open Scriptures
S, Jon Theological Ramblings of an Anglican Ordinand, The 
S, Rich Exegete Reflects, An 
Sam, Kevin New Epistles
Samuel, Michael Rabbi Michael Samuel
Sanders, Jerry A., Seth L. Serving the Word 
Santos, Maer dos Ancient Wisdom Today
Sasson, Victor Hebrew and Aramaic Epigraphy
Satlow, Michael L. Michael L. Satlow – Blog and Podcasts
Savelle, Charles Bible X
Schatz, Cheryl Women in Ministry
Scheinerman, Amy NuViewTalmud
Schenck, Ken Quadrilateral Thoughts
Schwendner, Gregg What’s New in Papyrology?
Scull, Kevin Paul of Tarsus
SeanPrimal Subversion 
Seland, Torrey Philonica et Neotestamentica
Seltzer, Bruce Bromberg Original Jewish
Shaw, Benjamin Gptsrabbi 
Shear, Adam Tea, Lemon, Old Books 
Sheffield PhDerMetalepsis
Sherrat, Richard Tehilim / תהלים
Sherrat, Richard YHWH Melek / יהוה מלך
Shields, Martin Shields Up
Shuck, John Shuck and Jive 
Siew, Tony Revelation is Real
Silva, Airton José da Observatório Bíblico
Skinner, Christopher W. Peje Iesous
Small, Brian Polumeros kai Polutropos 
Smith, Brendan Powell Brick Testament News and Updates, The 
Smith, Duane Abnormal Interests
Smith, Geoff My Blog 
Smuts, Stephen Biblical Paths
Snider, Phil Hyperekperissou
Sollamo, Raija Qumran and Identity
Solomon, Antony Solly, Then
Souza, Flávio Ad Cummulus
Sowell, Eric B. Archaic Christianity
Spencer, Michael Internet Monk
Spinks, Chris Christian Theology and the Bible
Spinks, Chris  Christian Theology and the Bible
Spinks, D. Christopher katagrapho
Spinti, JamesIdle musings of a bookseller
Spinti, James Idle musings of a bookseller
Spronk, Klaas Klaas Spronk’s Weblog
Standard Bible Society, The ESV Bible Blog
Standard Bible Society, The ESV Study Bible 
Stanley, Milton Transforming Sermons
Staples, Jason Outside the Building
Stark, David New Testament Interpretation
Stark, Rebecca Rebecca Writes
Stellman, Jason J. de regnis duobus
Stevens, Mark Scripture, Ministry, and the People of God
Stewart, Joshua Said at New Orleans Seminary 
Stiff, Tony Sets ‘n’ Service
Stitt, Nathan Discipulus Scripturae
Strait, DrewHeilsgeschichte
Stranz, Jane Of life, laughter and liturgy . . .
Strenkova, Iveta Bibbiablog
Student, Gil Hirhurim Musings
Sumpter, Phil Narrative and Ontology
Svigel, Michael J. SvigeLand
T.C.Theological Graffiti 
Tabor, James Jesus Dynasty, The 
Tabor, James Tabor Blog
Tafarella, Santi Prometheus Unbound
Tatusko, Drew Notes from Off Center
Taylor, Justin Between Two Worlds
Teaneck, Tzvee Tzvee’s Talmudic Blog 
TeBeOnormala Intressen
Teng, Perng Shyang Unworthy Sinner
TheophyleTheophyle’s English Blog
ThomasEpistles of Thomas
ThomasEpistles of Thomas
Thomas  Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians
Thomas, Rodney A. Political Jesus
Thompson, Jeremy Free Old Testament Audio Website Blog
Thompson, Michael Grasshoppers dreaming 
Tilling, Chris Chrisendom
Toffelmire, Colin Random Colin
Traphagen, Karyn Boulders 2 Bits
Tribbet, GabeGospel Alone, The 
Tsalampouni, Ekaterini G.Histologio Biblikon spoudon / Ιστολόγιο βιβλικών σπουδών / Biblical Studies Blog 
Tucker, J. BrianIdentity Formation in the New Testament
Turton, Anna T&T Clark
TyndaleTyndale Tech
Vandagriff, Richard Christian Monthly Standard
Vander Hart, Shane Caffeinated Thoughts
VariousBetter Bibles Blog
VariousBiblioblog Top 50
VariousChristian Feminism
VariousEksegeettinen safari 
VariousEmerging Women
VariousEvangelical Textual Criticism
VariousFaith-Promoting Rumor
VariousGalus Australus
VariousGuild of Biblical Minimalists, The 
VariousSimple Desire, A 
VariousThe Dunedin School
VariousThoughts on Antiquity
Varner, William DrIBEX Ideas
Vázquez, Esteban Voice of Stefan
Verenna, Thomas Musings of Thomas Verenna, The 
Vermeij, Ruud EquaMusic 
Vernon, Mark Philosophy and Life
VladText and Theology
VroobelekBlog Biblijny
Wallace, Dan Contra Mundane
Wason, Brandon Biblioblogs
Wason, Brandon Sitz im Leben
Waterman, Mark Comments by Dr Marks
Watts, Jim Iconic Books Blog, The 
Watts, Joel L. Church of Jesus Christ, The 
Wax, Trevin Kingdom People
Weaks, Joe Macintosh Biblioblog
Weems, Renita J. Something
Weingarten, Judith Zenobia: Empress of the East 
Weiss, Johannes Apocalyptic Blog, The 
Welch, Eric Eric Welch
West, JimJim West
Whitenton, Mike Ecce Homo
Wiggins, Steve A.Sects and  Violence in the Ancient World
Wilk, Michal Bibbiablog
Williams, Tyler F. Codex
Willis, John T. John T. Willis 
Willitts, Joel Evangelion / ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ
Wilson, Alan Bishop Alan’s Blog
Wilson, Richard Bibbia Blog
Wiser, Marvin Lance Stories of Expatriation & Maturation
Witherington, Ben Ben Witherington on the Bible and Culture
Woodman, Simon Baptist Bookworm
Woods, Patrick So Much For Straw
World Bible Translation CenterWBCT Weekly Blog
Zacharias, Danny Deinde
Zimmerli, Gary Sundry Times
Zimmerli, Gary Sundry Times
Zitzer, Leon Historical Jesus, The 
Zwiep, ArieAmsterdam NT Weblog

*Page posted June 19, 2010; Archive dated to December, 2009
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"If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient observation than to any other reason."

-- Isaac Newton