Please note: for what follows, I used the NKJV, which I had handy as a full text file. Obviously, the list would be more authoritative in Greek. Obviously any such “Idea-dle” is subjective. An asterisk means the word was doubly categorized. Also, I’ve already caught a few mistakes, because I didn’t double check every word, but I’m done spending time on it. So Sorry!
Despite those disclaimers, this list should still be worth something -- mainly in that major themes are hard to hide! ((If it was in Greek and I had twelve partners, I’d try to make it perfect for posting!)) Anyone who wants to improve it has my full permission – not to mention grateful appreciation!
Categories of Ideas in Paul’s Letter to Galatians (with specific word counts)
The Godhead – 111 (Christ 41, god 31, jesus 17, lord 6, ‘the spirit’ 16)
First Person References – 106 (I 70, me 24, my 11, myself 1)
Terms of heavy Jewish Connotation – 95 (Abraham 9, amen 2, angel 3, baptized 1, circumcision 13, covenant 3, creation 1, *law 32, hagar 2, leaven 2, Judaism 2, Judea 1, Jerusalem 5, Jews 6, Isaac 1, Israel 1, scripture 3, miracles 1, traditions 1, lump 1, heaven 1, kingdom 1, separated 2, symbolic 1)
Negatives – 80 (cannot 1, neither 6, no 14, none 1, nor 8, not 47, nothing 3)
Time – 65 (present 1, then 3, age 1, always 1, days 2, everlasting 1, forever 1, former 1, formerly 1, hour 1, immediately 1, later 1, long 1 longer 4, months 1, new 1, now 16, past 1, season 2, soon 1, still 2, till 1 time 3, when 11, while 2, years 4)
Legal Terms – 62 (*adoption 1, annul 2, court 1, found 1, judgement 1, just 3, justified 7, justify 1, law 32, mediate 1, mediator 2, righteousness 4, testify 1, transgression 2, trespass 1, trial 1, witness 1)
Proof/Persuasion – 62 (certain 1, certainly 2, clearly 1, confirmed 2, evident 2, examine 1, if 22, indeed 4, persuade 1, persuasion 1, right 1, showing 1, shows 1, spy 1, then 12, therefore 8, yes 1)
Here & There – 57 ( beyond 2, bring 2, brought 1, came 5, carried 1, cast 1, come 6, comes 1, continue 2, deliver 1, forth 3, go 2, led 1, present 2, ran 1, remained 1, rest 1, returned 1, run 2, seek 2, sent 2, stand 1, there 6, wait 1, walk 3, went 5, withdrew 1)
Willpower – 56 (committed 1, did 6, do 19, does 9, doing 1, might 12, will 8)
Communication – 49 (called 3, calls 1, communicated 1, confer 1, crying 1, gospel 12, letters 1, preach 4, preached 3, preaches 2, said 2, say 7, saying 1, shout 1, speak 1, taught 2, teaches 1, tell 3, told 1, tone 1)
Family Terms – 45 (*adoption 1, abba 1, brethren 11, brother 1, child 1, children 6, father 5, fathers 1, household 1, husband 1, mother 2, son 9, sons 5)
Plural First Person References – 45 (our 7, ourselves 1, us 12, we 25)
Nature/Body – 41 (body 1, eat 1, flesh 17, fruit 1, hand 3, infirmity 1, inured 1, nature 2, physical 1, reap 4, seed 4, seeds 1, sows 3, tree 1)
Proper Nouns – 36 (Antioch 1, Arabia 2, Barnabas 3, Cephas 1, Cilicia 1, Damascus 1, Galatia 1, Galatians 1, Gentiles 9, James 3, John 1, Paul 2, Peter 5, Mount Sinai 2, Syria 1, Titus 2)
Spiritual Blessings – 36 (blessed 2, blessing 2, enjoyed 1, gentleness 2, good 7, goodness 1, grace 7, hope 1, joy 1, kindness 1, longsuffering 1, love 4, loved 1, peace 3, rejoice 1, rejoicing 1)
Control – 32 (bewitched 1, bondage 6, compel 2, compelled 1, confined 1, control 1, entangled 1, exclude 1, favoritism 1, forbid 1, hindered 1, let 9, obey 1, obeying 1, overtaken 1, rule 1, yield 1, yoke 1)
Faith – 31 (afraid 1, believe 1, believed 2, believing 1, beware 1, confidence 1, doubts 1, faith 21, faithfulness 1, fearing 1)
Life & Death -28 (birth 2, bear 1, barren 1, blood 1, born 5, dead 1, died 2, grow 1, life 3, live 9, lives 1, womb 1)
Numbers – 28 (one 20, two 2, three 1, four 1, fourteen 1, fifteen 1, thirty 1, hundred 1)
Desire – 27 (ambitions 1, desire 6, eager 2, envy 2, like 1, passions 2, pleasing 3, purpose 1, urge 1, want 3, wish 2, zealous 3, zealously 1)
Work/Effort – 26 (attempt 1, avails 2, bear 2, burdens 1, conduct 1, labor 1, labored 1, load 1, means 1, tried 2, try 1, work 1, worked 2, working 1, works 8)
Construction – 22 (begun 1, build 1, change 1, effect 1, effectively 2, formed 1, made 3, made perfect 1, make 5, opportunity 1, portrayed 1, put 1, restore 1, share 1)
Hierarchy – 22 (apostle 1, apostles 2, apostleship 1, appointed 2, bondwoman 5, first 1, master 1, minister 1, servant 1, serve 2, served 1, slave 3, submission 1)
Inward Parts – 21 (“the spirit” 16, heart 1, hearts 1, spirit 2, spiritual 1)
Sins & Evils – 20 (adultery 1, drunkenness 1, evil 1, fornication 1, hatred 1, idolatry 1, jealousies 1, licentiousness 1, lust 1, lusts 1, mocked 1, murders 1, revelries 1, sin 2, sinners 2, sins 1, sorcery 1, wrath 1)
Humanity – 19 (female 1, male 1, man 9, man’s 1, men 6, woman 1)
Promises – 19 (*covenant 3, foreseeing 1, fulfill 2, fulfilled 1, fullness 1, promise 9, promises 2)
Mind/Knowledge – 18 (*taught 2, *teaches 1, considering 1, foolish 2, know 3, knowing 1, known 3, learn 1, mind 1, remember 1, thinks 1, unknown 1)
Giving & Receiving – 17 (gave 4, given 5, gives 1, receive 3, received 3, supplies 1)
Depravity – 15 (accursed 2, blamed 1, corruption 1, curse 3, cursed 2, desolate 1, despise 1, fallen 1, opportunity 1, pervert 1, tempted 1)
Senses – 15 (eyes 2, hear 1, heard 1, hearing 3, observe 1, perceived 1, saw 3, see 2, sight 1)
Troubles/Pain – 14 (marks 1, persecuted 3, persecution 2, suffer 2, suffered 1, travail 1, trouble 3, troubles 1)
Deception/Falseness – 13 (deceived 1, deceives 1, false 1, heresies 1, hypocrisy 1, hypocrite 1, lie 1, played 1, secretly 1, seemed 3, stealth 1)
Disagreement – 13 (contentions 1, contrary 2, differ 1, difference 1, different 1, dissensions 1, enemy 1, estranged 1, offense 1, outbursts 1, provoking 1, reject 1)
Literacy – 13 (*letters 1, book 1, tutor 2, word 2, write 1, written 6)
Destruction – 11 (bite 1, break 1, castrate 1, consumed 1, destroy 2, destroyed 1, devour 1, plucked 1, set (aside) 1, took 1)
Freedom – 11 (free 4, freewoman 3, liberty 4)
The Cross – 11 (cross 3, crucified 4, hangs 1, mercy 1, redeem 1, redeemed 1)
Terms with heavy Gentile Connotation – 10 (gods 1, greek 2, nation 1, nations 2, uncircumcised 1, uncircumcision 2, uncleanness 1)
Selfishness – 10 (conceited 1, personal 1, self 1, selfish 1, use 1, vain 5)
Customs – 9 (‘the like’ 1, elements 2, manner 2, practice 1, world 3)
Protection – 9 (guard 1, guardians 1, keep 2, kept 2, privately 1, stewards 1, withstood 1)
Glory – 8 (glorified 1, glory 3, reveal 1, revealed 1, revelation 2)
Accounting Terms – 7 (accounted 1, added 2, adds 1, debtor 1, due 1, profit 1)
Inheritance – 7 (*adoption 1, heir 3, heris 1, inherit 1, inheritance 1)
Truth – 6 (truly 1, truth 5)
Church – 5 (church 1, churches 2, fellowship 1, neighbor 1)
Failure – 5 (lose, turn, turning, weak, weary)
Excellence – 4 (advanced, exceedingly, pillars reputation)
Poverty – 2 (beggarly, poor)
Resurrection – 1 (raised)
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