Here's an exploration I did a month ago. How much of this is 'theological assumption' and how much can be called 'spiritual events attested by scripture'? I'm still trying to decide, so if you care to judge, please do let me know:
The Father sent the Son into the world. Jesus lived in Nazareth. He grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and with man. In him was life. And that life was the light of the world.
The law had come through Moses, but He came to fulfil the whole law. In the course of his life, Jesus of Nazareth filled up all righteousness. For over three decades, the Father loved the Son, right there in the hills of Galilee. As he grew up, the Son loved the Father right back. And when grown, this Nazarene man loved his God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. Jesus also loved his neighbors as himself, and he cared for the least of them as if he was loving His Father.
He was born to save what had been lost - that a Man might live life to the fullest. As he grew, Jesus learned to hear his Father's voice and follow Him like a sheep does its shepherd. His righteousness far outclassed that of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The son of Man obeyed his heavenly Father because he cared about Him more than anything else in the world. The Nazarene denied his own self daily, and went where his Father wanted him to go. This was his life. He was THE life, like a resurrection, like God's "second Adam". The son of man restored God's hope of glory in what Man could be like, full of Life, on the Earth.
The Nazarene, Jesus, spent decades in a small hill town, living life to its fullest. The Son was beloved by his Father, and the Father was pleased with his Son. This life was not just spent preparing. This life was a joy to the Father, a big part of the reason he came.
Okay, so what do you think? Is this a theological reconstruction? Or are these spiritual-historical events, testified to by scripture?
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