If the BSC Carnival is defunct, maybe someone can figure out how to aggregate all our shared items, to show which items were shared most often. I know that's not the same as a carnival, but it'd be interesting. Anyway, if you'd been looking at MY shared items this month, here would have been some of the highlights (in reverse chronological order):
Alan Knox explained why we explain. Todd Bolen shared another interesting Roundup of Archaeology news. Michael Barber observed that Redaction Criticism can be rather uncritical. And Dave Black said we Christians are "enslaved by a worship of preachers". Wow.
Stephen Carlson published on Joseph & Mary having 'no space in their place to stay'. Jona Lendering spent the whole month sharing about ancient Turkey. Scot McKnight opened debate on why Women are more religious than men. And Daniel Kirk went batty over theologically influenced exegesis in Mark.
Ben Byerly testified about social politics in theologically minded faith communities. Derek Lehman discussed basic questions about where "the Rabbis" came from. Doug Chaplin critiqued Tom Wright on his understanding of Resurrection. And Stephen Smuts drew my attention to CT's article on Why Johnny Can't Read the Bible.
James McGrath gifted us all with a neologism: "Contextectomy"! Nick Norelli piqued my interest in a school of thought called Presuppositional Apologetics. (Great, another five books for the 'someday' list!) Charles Ellwood Jones shared the fascinating video A Scholar Gets a Kindle and Starts to Read. And Tony Siew mused on what euthys ("immediately") meant in Mark's Gospel, and today.
Joel Willitts affirmed that the Gospels' first place in the Church is as a historical account of our foundational story. Amen! (Joel earlier in May reposted a loooong essay on a similar thread, which I keep meaning to go back and read carefully...)
Michael Gorman blogged about our call to leave Babylon spiritually. Joel Hoffman questioned tradition in labeling God's Ten Things as 'commandments', which they're not called, in the Hebrew). Interesting. Brian Fulthorp shared what happens the more he studies the Bible. And R.T. France (via JRDK) succinctly debunked the Hosanna to Crucify fickleness theory.
Mike Fox praised a Jesus Comic Book in which Jesus looks "somewhat Jewish, and not like a wimpy white guy". Dr. Platypus reviewed some facts of Sabbatical Years (Zuckerman vs. Wacholder, again). Celucien Joseph offered a survey of trends in Western Civ during the last three centuries of questing for various "Historical Jesus"(es). And Michael Bird tried to define more precisely how the Canonical/Historical Jesus should be fitted into NT Theology. (?)
In other news this May, it seems several bloggers are preparing papers on Biblioblogging for SBL Atlanta. Also, the Chronological Study Bible and Archaeological Study Bible (it was announced) both cracked the top eight in sales figures for Bibles in 2009. (This marks a trend.) Elsewhere, the Hays-Wright Smackdown (Part Deaux) kept getting more attention from bloggers. And finally, just thirty days ago, Joel/Polycarp pointed out that blogging may be my lasting legacy.
Well good grief - I guess I'll take it, but I certainly hope to do better than just this... eventually!
Anders, I know this sounds crazy, but you might try actually reading some of the people I link to, before you declare their opinions to be like anyone else's opinions.
You might also try following my links if you want any of my readers to follow yours.
I'd prefer to have conversations around here, instead of shouting matches. Please do consider this...
Anders posted this same thing on my blog. I think he is basically spamming.
The longer he goes without responding, Brian, the more you seem to be right.
Just trying to give him every chance...
Hi Bill, thanks for mentioning my post on "Immediately in Mark's Gospel". Good to read some of the other links too.
Hey thanks for this - a helpful & interesting roundup :-)
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