Where was God, before physical matter? The void of space? Or some spiritual realm? In other words, was the Triune God floating as One spiritual Being, within the dimensional limitlessness our universe occupies? Or was the Godhead somehow residing in/on/at some other plane of reality, completely apart from dimensional Space? Was God, in God's fullness, filling up some other, purely spiritual realm?
Again, this is not academic. We are trying to become more familiar with God’s Movement, at least in such terms – and yes, we must stick with our definitions of these terms, as we best understand them – and it seems plain enough that any Mover requires some Space to move in.
On the other hand, spiritual spirit does not seem to obey the same rules as material matter!
For example: We know Jesus found spirits “inside” people, and ordered them out. Assuming that really happened, then where were those spirits? In people's gall bladders? Were a Legion of tiny demons hiding in the back of that Gadarene's throat? Hanging onto his uvula, perhaps? Were they microscopically tiny (but substantially physical) intelligent parasites of the frontal lobe, riding his neurons like cowboys, and herding his impulses? For all we know, that may be what they did, but were they doing so as tiny, physical beings? No. I don’t think so, and neither do you.
Let’s be frank. IF those spirits were real, and if those stories are at all based in fact (and for the record I believe that they were, and they are) THEN there seems to be some type of manner in which spiritual beings actually exist, somehow, by taking up something like non-space. Furthermore, they seem to do this from within a realm trans-dimensionally askew from, and yet distinctly attached to, our physical universe.
Is your mind boggled yet? Relax. I can make this very simple.
What this means is that Spirit (and spirits) apparently move in a spiritual realm, by some spiritual means, in some spiritual realm. If so, we presume such a realm must be, by nature, non-physical, without having dimension, and thus without having Space. Yet Spirit seems to be able to act and to move in this spiritual realm. Thus, Spirit (and spirits) apparently move by a motion that we know not of – by some motion beyond Einstein’s theories. And God is Spirit.
God is meta-physical. God is meta-dimensional. God is unfathomable.
Yet, God moves.
To be continued…
I'm glad you're able to make this all so simple, Bill. :)
Me too. ;-)
I'm on the edge of my seat...
Just clarifying...the assumption is that the story of the Bible is based in some kind of scientific fact. Further, what about these spirits? Are they disembodied? It seems they long for a BODY (even an animals)...a place to reside...what's up w/ that? They do seem to move IN space but in a dimension invisible to us (at least in the story). They are inside of time so what does that say about their movement? Just thinking out loud.
These are good out-loud thoughts, Frank. You're helping me think more deeply, also.
the assumption is that the story of the Bible is based in some kind of scientific fact
You keep using this 's' word. Okay, "yes but"... although spiritual phenomena aren't necessarily science-able. That is, they're not consistently and observably verifiable. But my assumption is that the scriptural accounts here do faithfully reflect actual phenomena which did historically occur in Jesus' presence.
So, depending on what you mean by "scientific"... yes. :-)
what about these spirits? Are they disembodied?
Perhaps sometimes. Or perhaps they spirit-world worm-holed directly from the man into the pigs. (?) But that's too much speculation... besides, if they can occupy a body, why not an object or empty space?
It seems they long for a BODY
Maybe. Or maybe they just wanted to wreak some havoc before they departed. But there's more to consider there, I know.
They do seem to move IN space but in a dimension invisible to us (at least in the story). They are inside of time so what does that say about their movement?
It's already enough for my purposes to have noted that GOD moves within space and "time". So again, there may be more to consider here about the precise 'mechanics' of how demonic spirits self-mobilize... but I can't think of any reason we need to go down that road just now.
If you think more about it, though, let us know.
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